Introducing the Human Resources Employee Retirement Option (H.E.R.O.) Award
HR professionals are charged with advancing workplaces and supporting the success of their organization’s employees. Employee benefits are crucial to the equation. At the center of benefits are retirement plans—a benefit employees depend on for their future.
Abernathy Daley 401k Consultants, a consultancy team comprised of financial professionals, is launching their First Annual H.E.R.O. Award Program to recognize HR leaders driving high participation, contributions, education, and engagement in their 401k programs.
HR leader winners will receive an invitation to attend an exclusive educational and networking event in New York City with top HR peers and 401K experts.
Sign Up to Enter the HERO Award
• Winners will be invited to the H.E.R.O. award educational and networking dinner at the New York Athletic Club in September, one of the most prestigious private clubs in New York City, located on Central Park South, in the heart of Manhattan
• Winners will be honored and presented with a plaque commemorating their achievement
• Winners will be recognized in their regional business journal, publicizing their achievements and promoting their company for having one of the 10 best corporate retirement plans in all of Texas
Key Criteria for Award
• Number and percentage of employees contributing to the corporate 401k plan1 .
• Average contribution amount relative to employees’ salaries.
• Number of employee educational visits with an advisor, including group and one on-one meetings.
• Effectiveness of the corporate 401k plan options, focusing on the lowest average fee-per-fund offered.
• Commitment to employee advocacy by implementing plan improvements after the initial plan analysis.
1 Award participants will have the opportunity to make changes to their plans, recommended or otherwise, prior to the judgement period, which will take place during the last two weeks of May 2025
Submission and Judges
• No fee to enter (includes free benchmarking analysis and professional review)
• Submissions open October 1, 2024 and close April 1, 2025
• A panel of 401k benefits experts will evaluate submissions
• The judging period will be July 15-31, 2025, and the winners will be announced on August 1, 2025
1) The goal of this benchmarking analysis measurement is to assist the employees who are planparticipants by ensuring they are receiving competitive opportunities to invest for their eventual retirement.
2) Corporate plan or corporate division must be based in Texas heads in TX to be eligible
3) The corporate plan must have 100 or more plan participants.
4) Plans enrolling in this program will receive a free benchmarking analysis and review at no expense to the corporate sponsor.
5) The plan sponsor may elect to implement any, all, or none of the suggestions from the benchmarking analysis.
6) If the benchmarking analysis documents recommend any changes to improve the plan’s administrative costs, participant’s investment selections within the plan, or all other suggestions from the benchmarking analysis, the plan may use any record keeper, custodian, advisor, or third party administrator it chooses. There is no requirement to use The Abernathy Group II.
7) Winning plans agree to have the corporate and HR representative responsible for the plan mentioned in local/national press.
8) None of the advice provided as a result of this program or the benchmarking analysis is meant to be
investment advice of any kind.
9) The Abernathy Daley401K Consultants is an affiliate of The Abernathy Group II, a registered Investment Advisor, and does not offer investment advice.